TOP 3 caves you must see in Slovakia

TOP 3 caves you must see in Slovakia

Is it raining outside right now and you really want to go somewhere? Take your children to the most visited caves in Slovakia even during bad weather! Let´s see Dobšinská ľadová jaskyňa, Demänovská jaskyňa slobody and Belianska jaskyňa! You will not forget those places!

Dobšinská ľadová jaskyňa

This ice cave is one of the most well-known caves in Europe and the biggest ice cave in Slovakia. It is 1232m long and belongs to UNESCO from 2000. You can find it near Dobšiná in Slovenský raj.

The whole way lasts 30min and it is worth to see all ice stalactites and stalagmites! It was able to ice skate in the past in Veľká sieň, because this part has the most thick ice floor in cave (25m).

Our Dobšinská ľadová jaskyňa day tour is provided from 15th May until 30th September. Take your children and have unforgetable memories! Do not forget to take warm clothes!

Dobšinská Ice Cave and Chateau Betliar 3

Belianska jaskyňa

Belianska jaskyňa is the only opened cave in High Tatras. Did you know that cavers found 7 species of bats here? As a result put caps or hats on your head!

You can find this place near Tatranská kotlina under Pálenica. You can start your journey in cave at 9:00am and walk 70min in it! They close the cave after the last show which starts at 4:00pm. The way is 1370m long so you will be definitely impressed!

In this cave you can see beautiful waterfalls and lakes and one place in Belianska jaskyňa is called Hudobná sieň (Concert hall) just because that sound of drops falling to the lake! In the past there were some concerts in this hall because it has good acoustic conditions. Would you like to see more pictures? Want to join day tour to Belianska Jaskynaclick here for more information.

TOP 3 caves you must see in Slovakia

Demänovská jaskyňa slobody

This cave is the longest cave in Slovakia. It is situated on the north of Low Tatras near Demänovská ľadová jaskyňaPrivate tour to Demänovská ľadová jaskyňa can be found here. This cave is popular because of colorful walls and lakes with waterfalls. It will definitely impress you and your family! Demänovská jaskyňa slobody is the most visited cave in whole Slovakia.

Short way is 1150m long and takes 1h, long way is 2150m long and takes about 100min. You will have to walk 1118 stairs if you choose the second! You can find interesting things like Emerald lake (which is really green) or Pink hall there! Enjoy wonderful creatures of nature!

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